It has been suggested that I am placing myself at risk for expressing my anger, especially in these Constitutionally suspended times. So I was thinking, perhaps, it's time for the official legal disclaimer type thingy, you know like on the poison bottles or medicine bottles.
I am not a faithless, traitorous, unfaithful, treasonable, treasonous, adversary, agent, antagonist, archenemy, asperser, assailant, assassin, attacker, backbiter, bad person, bandit, betrayer, calumniator, competitor, contender, criminal, defamer, defiler, detractor, disputant, emulator, falsifier, fifth column, foe, guerrilla, informer, inquisitor, invader, murderer, opponent, opposition, other side, prosecutor, rebel, revolutionary, rival, saboteur, seditionist , slanderer, spy, terrorist, traducer, traitor, vilifier, villain or anything even approximating this type of activity/person/behavior et all.
I am an angry American citizen who happens to be in dissagreement with the current trends that threaten our unalienable rights as Enumerated by the Constitution. The Constitution does not give us these rights as they are natural rights, right owned by all as they were endowed by the Creator. They may not be regulated by man. Period. Who is a man compared to the Creator? How can a man regulate that which is another mans right(s)? Rights not Privilege. READ - THINK - ACT Express yourself through the system, petition, vote and above all educate yourselves. Start locally to move towards a Global reformation.
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