Are you happy, content, pleased or satisfied with the current direction of this country of ours?
If not what would change, add or eliminate? Legalize drugs? Stop all of the warmongering? Reduce the size, power and reach of the Federal Government? Expand the Federal Governments duties? Create a workers paradise? Implement stronger protections for Corporations? Change the labor laws to reduce the work week to a four day, 32 hour week? Allow the work week to expand to 60 hours without an overtime requirement? Tax the living hell out of people that make more than 150,000 dollars? Change to a flat tax or a consumption tax? Get out of other countries business, politics and economics? Eliminate the Federal Reserver Bank? Embrace Gay rights or denounce them? Just what the Fuck do you want? It is past the time when an Amerikan can sit in their easy chair and stuff their cake hole without regard for the rest of the world, ignoring the facts of the Government that is our responsibility.
America you must wake up and look around, look at what has become of this country, and act. Act to make this country what it should be in your mind. What is will be as the people take back control of this land of ours. Or it will most certainly go down the drain with the rest of the shit. Read, Think and Act.
We must rally together to take back our country and our Constitution. We are definitely corrupt as a nation, and our citizens are "sheeple". I do believe we are lazy in our ability to discern...we allow the media to think for us. Keep up the blogging, (my fellow classmate). I find it a refreshing change and an opportunity for greater knowledge. Thanks!