My Daddy use to say,"If you are treated a certain way long enough, you will become that which is projected upon you" took me a very long time to truly understand the full meaning and implication of this statement. If a person is accused of being a thief long enough they will most likely start stealing. probably from you. If your significant other accuses you of cheating and you're not then you just might start. I mean if it's assumed all the time why not? And you know what else is a good possibility? They are doing just what it is that they are accusing you of doing for some reason, guilt, to keep you off balance or maybe they want to get caught. Maybe they're just plain nuts!
The American government is treating the world, it's own citizens included, like the enemy. Am I the enemy? Are a vast majority of muslims the enemy? Are communists the enemy? Are socialists the enemy? Are you the enemy? I didn't think so. So why are we being treated like the enemy? Why would the government then treat so many people like the enemy? Well like my Daddy used to say "most people that are accusing you of something you are not doing are doing it themselves, unless their just plain nuts." So i suggest that since "WE" are not the enemy then, by by corollary, "THEY" must be the enemy. We just haven't figured it out as a whole, sure some of us have been thing this for a while but not as a whole. So there it is, the real reason that the government of Amerika is treating the World like the enemy. Are you mad yet? READ - THINK - ACT
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