Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A few moments to consider that the journey that is called LIFE is not a revolutionary thing but rather evolutionary .

     In that moment that you are reading something and stumble apron a word or phrase that is unknown to you, disturbing your reading while trying to learn something, and in doing that you find out the implications will lead to the exploration of Socrates or Locke or Marx or Rousseau and you change in that instant of discovery over the simple phrase "social contract". The sense of meaning that has eluded your struggle to identify the basic failings of the society that surrounds you like an inky black darkness and you say,"SHIT, THOSE BASTARDS"……..
     Those of you whom have known me for a substantial amount of time may look at me and say "who the Fuck are you?" and I would reply, "only that which I have always been, what life has required me to become, tempered by that which I hold dear. The undeniable rights that all beings are endowed with, Life, Liberty and Property."
     I would ask you to take a moment to think about the issue of just what are, if any, the rights that all Men (I was taught the Man was the correct way to label all of humanity, I conceptualize that the same way so it is unlikely ti change during my lifetime, I apologize if some take offense but consider, if you are offended this then YOU enable that word to have power over you, it's not me.) enjoy. What and why………..So I place life as a right for obvious reasons, liberty is the same and property for slightly more convoluted reasons.
     Life is a fundamental right from which all else follows. If there is no right to life then there is only the might is right sort of rule. With a simple right like the right to life comes a huge number of necessary assumptions the most important would be that violence of any kind short of that is required to maintain life would be absolutely forbidden. Liberty is , again by necessity conditional, I am free to do as I will until my liberties eclipse someone else's liberties. Simplistic for the propose of definition only in this discussion. Property, it must follow that to have life and liberty then you must be able to be safe in the possession of property. Life requires it, food must be safe from theft or life may be negatively impacted. Many more agile minds have pondered this and I would suggest John Locke as a good start.
     What do you expect in a perfect world or society? Sit down and list them and drill down to the core of what is you due and then look around and think. Ask yourself this "is this right".  

Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Culture of Consumption in Amerika

     What is advertising really? Is it enterprise informing the consumer on the inherent value of their products and/or services? Is it a truthful endeavor? Is it fundamentally flawed or evil? Perhaps it's "advertisings function is to convince you to obtain credit to purchase things you don't need or want and can't afford that are poorly made by workers that are mistreated, exploited or are functionally slaves"(1), what a mouthful.
     Consumption is not, of and by itself, bad or undesirable. In moderation almost anything can be a neutral or ever a good thing. Overconsumption, however, has a host of issues. At the extreme end of the scale, overconsumption can kill. You might ask, how is that possible? Energy will serve as an example in this case. If a country uses energy in a fashion that causes the cost of energy rise then the people at the bottom of the economic pyramid will be displaced as there are inadequate funds available to allow them to continue to consume at the rate they were. So in order to cover the rise in energy costs the amount of energy consumed must be reduced or expenses must be reduced somewhere else. If they are already marginalized then this translates to one thing, the sacrifice of some other essential item. Energy or food, energy or medicine, energy or transportation and so on.
     When a pattern of use includes trips in the Hummer of 2 blocks to purchase beer, moving further from work, heating the house to 75 in the winter of just leaving lights on unnecessarily keeps or increases the demand and therefor price. Since energy is a global resource this use takes directly from the marginalized peoples from everywhere in the world, possibly resulting in death. This applies to food, manufactured goods, fuel, electricity, plastics, pharmaceuticals and other items to a greater or lesser degree. So being fat and lazy will affect other people. You might ask how let's take a look. You're 300 lbs and you drive to BigBox Superstore, a half a mile in your '66 Big block truck that gets 12 miles to the gallon, to purchases beer, junk food, disposable dish ware and utensils and other disposable items for a barbecue. At your weight you must consume more calories to maintain weight, more food. You drive when you could've walked or rode a bike, that 2 issues, no exercise that increases potential health issues and energy use. Your food choices perpetuate you health risks. the disposable require Oil and Energy. So total up the damage to marginalized people if you lifestyle is consistent will lead to an increase in misery and death. Not factoring in the pollution, carbon footprint and I wonder if you have trouble sleeping? You should, because you can change your lifestyle to be more aware of the consequences of your actions. Not making change would be at best insensitive and at worst you contribute to the suffering of other human beings. There are over 7 billion of us on the planet and there is no room for gluttony, greed or ignorance.
     THINK - READ - THINK - ACT…….

     1. Joel C. Berry

Friday, December 23, 2011

Legalese and that frackin liability reduction/elimination thingy

All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information on our website is strictly at your own risk. and we will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of our website.

From our website, you can visit other websites by following hyperlinks to these sites. While we strive to provide only links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites and the links to other websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites.

Please be also aware that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms which are beyond our control.

Please not that website and blog are interchangeable terms………

The content of this website/blog that is mine may be reproduced per the following conditions for any or no reason whatsoever by someone, no one of anyone. Any content that i did not create I can not grant permission for anything in any context for any reason anytime ever.
     The content is presented as "in my humble opinion" aka IMHO.
     Content but be presented in it's entirety, within the context of the content without editing.
     Credit must be given to me or other contributed content as noted and except as noted the content is mine.
     The content is not to be construed in anyway so as to imply that any action that is against any law that might apply is actually condoned by me, the sources I reference, linked content from other sources or anything else is recommended as anything other than entertainment.
     As in all thing READ - WATCH - THINK - DECIDE - ACT - OR NOT AS YOU SEE FIT

A Nation of Laws, by the people and for the people of for PROFIT?

     "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."      from The Declaration of Independence.   

     What point, in the life of a nation, does it become the Right and Duty of the people to "replace" the current government  with a reformed one? "evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism" what does this really mean? Evinces def:

  1. Reveal the presence of (a quality or feeling). 
  2. Be evidence of; indicate: "man's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture".  
   Reveal the presence of or be evidence of a design to reduce them (the american people) absolute Despotism ( a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power)

     Are we there yet? What do you think? Is the government still a republic? If they are not then what?


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Misogynistic Army Animals and yes I know Amerika has problems but how can the World do Nothing?

     This from the New York Times...

     "An adviser to Egypt’s military rulers said in a newspaper interview published on Thursday that a brutal attack on a female protester by Egyptian soldiers on Saturday was justified because the woman had insulted the army."

     How can the World just do nothing on this case of human rights violations? How…..
This is not acceptable, a consequence of their protest or an insult to the Egyptian Army, heavens forbid if they should hear what I am saying about them. There are not enough tortures  
in the sadistic, sick, stupid and ignorant minds of the idiots that perpetrate violence of this kind on a non-combatant. HELLO U.N. is there anybody home? Are you a misogynic piece of Shit? Does Islam condone the beating of unarmed women? Does one or more sects condone this? If so as human rights violators do they have the status of religion or cult? If they're a cult then what is their legal status in the international community? WHy the Fuck is this being allowed to happen without consequence. Does it fall under the rights of a Sovereign Nation?
Well it would seem to be a crime in any rational use of the word. Are these acts war crimes? I would think that if they're not then they should become war crimes or crimes against humanity. What if that was your daughter, mother or wife. The International Community need to get involved in this crap and stop this madness. IMHO

Here is a link to the original.

The BIGGEST problems that America faces today and some solutions.

This video expresses the problem, as I see and prioritize them, better than I can manage at this time. It will demonstrate the root causes in the most important obstacles in our country today. Please Watch, Think and Act. The country you save could be your own.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

WTF do you want?

     Are you happy, content, pleased or satisfied with the current direction of this country of ours?
If not what would change, add or eliminate? Legalize drugs? Stop all of the warmongering? Reduce the size, power and reach of the Federal Government? Expand the Federal Governments duties? Create a workers paradise? Implement stronger protections for Corporations? Change the labor laws to reduce the work week to a four day, 32 hour week? Allow the work week to expand to 60 hours without an overtime requirement? Tax the living hell out of people that make more than 150,000 dollars? Change to a flat tax or a consumption tax? Get out of other countries business, politics and economics? Eliminate the Federal Reserver Bank? Embrace Gay rights or denounce them? Just what the Fuck do you want? It is past the time when an Amerikan can sit in their easy chair and stuff their cake hole without regard for the rest of the world, ignoring the facts of the Government that is our responsibility.

    America you must wake up and look around, look at what has become of this country, and act. Act to make this country what it should be in your mind. What is will be as the people take back control of this land of ours. Or it will most certainly go down the drain with the rest of the shit. Read, Think and Act.

Of Right and Righteousness, the duty of all Citizens.

     When is it that the disorder and corruption within this country are sever enough to warrant the Constitutional duty of the reformation of the U.S.A. by it's citizens?

     This is a very dangerous question some would scream, be quite lest the Police arrest you and give you over to the Department of Homeland Security. Off to Gitmo they would say, glancing furtively from side to side. While others would say "burn it down, all down", not thinking of the future. While others would just shake their heads and walk away, muttering. What would you do or say? Something like "I don't want to get involved" or "what the hell are you talking about?".
     I am not a traitor, a seditionist or anything approaching that status. I am however a thinking, active reader and student. I have read the constitution and obviously the bill of rights. Have you? It is interesting what the Founding Fathers thought the rights and responsibilities of all citizens were. Read it, I think you will be surprised.
     Read, Think and Act. Educate yourself then think about what is good and bad in this country. Through the processes already in place petition, voting and so on I urge you to help reform the United States of America before it is too late to save.


     What is wrong with the "Leaders" of this country? Why are we the Amerikan people allowing these Politicians to run this country in to the ground, or "road hard and put away wet"? How complacent have we become to accept the rising deprivations mandated to us by these traitors bastards? From the TSA and the NDAA we have ALLOWED the pinheads in Washington to suspend the Constitution. It may not be suspended. It is time to review just what an attempt has been made to suspend and why it can not be suspended. To do this I'll quote the Constitution: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. Unalienable def: Not to be separated, given away or taken away; inalienable.
Is it clear now that these are Rights and not privileges? They can and may not be suspended, forfeited, traded, given away, legislated, repressed, modified, taken or anything else. All men (persons) are endowed with these rights, everywhere.
     The Government derives it's power from the CONSENT of the governed. This does not allow much latitude for discussion. 

     Washington, you that govern this country have and continue to abuse the sacred trust placed in you by the people and are obligated to do what is in the best interest of the people and this country. Anything else is treason, plain and simple.
     There are clear and strict remedies and penalties for Treason. Should actionable cause for the charge of treason be found in evidence as applicable to any public servant the vengeance of the people will not only be justified but their Constitutional duty.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Am I A Belligerent Menace To Society?

     It has been suggested that I am placing myself at risk for expressing my anger, especially in these Constitutionally suspended times. So I was thinking, perhaps, it's time for the official legal disclaimer type thingy, you know like on the poison bottles or medicine bottles.
     I am not a faithless, traitorous, unfaithful, treasonable, treasonous, adversaryagentantagonistarchenemy, asperser, assailantassassinattacker, backbiter, bad person, banditbetrayer, calumniator, competitorcontender, criminaldefamer, defiler, detractor, disputant, emulator, falsifier, fifth column, foeguerrilla, informer, inquisitor, invader, murdereropponentoppositionother side, prosecutor, rebelrevolutionaryrivalsaboteur, seditionist slanderer,  spyterrorist, traducer, traitorvilifier, villain or anything even approximating this type of activity/person/behavior et all. 
     I am an angry American citizen who happens to be in dissagreement with the current trends that threaten our unalienable rights as Enumerated by the Constitution. The Constitution does not give us these rights as they are natural rights, right owned by all as they were endowed by the Creator. They may not be regulated by man. Period. Who is a man compared to the Creator? How can a man regulate that which is another mans right(s)? Rights not Privilege.      READ - THINK - ACT     Express yourself through the system, petition, vote and above all educate yourselves. Start locally to move towards a Global reformation.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

     The overwhelming majority of the adult population of this country is sated with the material. The material goods that are manufactured, for the most part, under conditions that each individual would call immoral if asked alone or in private. In masse they ignore the reality and instead consume, consume, consume. The conditions I talk about is FORCED labor at low wage and under conditions that would rival the early days of the industrial revolution. Those same conditions started the child labor laws, workplace safety regulation, unions, strikes and civil disobedience. Here it's nom nom nom nom nom nom So I ask are you a mindless consumer, perpetuating these crimes against the powerless masses of foreign countries? If so then shame on you.
     Sheep have a very long fuse and will chew the grass until such time as the forces of evil come for them individually, then and only then will they struggle at the chains that bind them, too little, too late. The sheep need a champion to "shepherd" them and keep them safe, for they have lost the will to be free. They have been domesticated and are ready for their fate, the fate of all domesticated animals and that is to feed the wolves. Are you a Wolf? I am. It is time to take sides and free yourself of the chains that bind you, rip off your bonds and be free…

     To understand the sheep of society then you must think like a sheep, if you don't understand them then you are not thinking like them. The herds of sheep want only one thing and that is security. Freedom is not what a sheep wants as that would come with responsibility. Responsibility will require thought, sacrifice and action. It is not easy, free or simple. The wolf knows freedom and the costs. are you a Wolf. 

     Can you hear the call?…..The call of the Wolf?

         It is the Hegelian principle of bringing about change in a three-step process: Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis. The first step (Thesis) is to create a problem. The second step (Antithesis) is to generate opposition to the problem (fear, panic, hysteria). The third step (Synthesis) is to offer the  solution to the problem created in step one - change which would have been impossible to impose on the people without the proper psychological conditioning achieved in stages one and two. 
- Lt. Col. Archibald Roberts

The First Entry In The Mind of Another Angry Amerikan


     That's the first thing a programmer learns the code. So why not for a blogger? What is the point of blogging when there is so much material "published" in the digital world or as I call it Digitana, after the Montana of the early expansion of the original colonies of the new world or the history of the rape of the indigenous peoples in the Americas both central and north.
     As to the question of "why do you blog?" that is because, while I use Facebook, it would be because I am being censored and that Facebook is a poor venue for the expression of political views and a bulk of my FB friends are not yet politically mature. "But Facebook is for fun!" is a common comment when my posts become to pointed or Question the very validity of the current political regime in the United States of Amerika.
     It is my hope that through this blog I will be able to raise the awareness of some of the Amerikan public to the point that they will be able and motivated to do the same. This would create a growing body of concerned citizens that will be able to leverage constructive change in this country. Constructive change in fundamental issues that are plaguing this country now, things like corruption, corporate involvement in politics, the educational deficit, the military and overspending, to name a few. So join me in an open and constructive discussion on how this country, and subsequently the world, may be reformed.