Thursday, December 22, 2011

Misogynistic Army Animals and yes I know Amerika has problems but how can the World do Nothing?

     This from the New York Times...

     "An adviser to Egypt’s military rulers said in a newspaper interview published on Thursday that a brutal attack on a female protester by Egyptian soldiers on Saturday was justified because the woman had insulted the army."

     How can the World just do nothing on this case of human rights violations? How…..
This is not acceptable, a consequence of their protest or an insult to the Egyptian Army, heavens forbid if they should hear what I am saying about them. There are not enough tortures  
in the sadistic, sick, stupid and ignorant minds of the idiots that perpetrate violence of this kind on a non-combatant. HELLO U.N. is there anybody home? Are you a misogynic piece of Shit? Does Islam condone the beating of unarmed women? Does one or more sects condone this? If so as human rights violators do they have the status of religion or cult? If they're a cult then what is their legal status in the international community? WHy the Fuck is this being allowed to happen without consequence. Does it fall under the rights of a Sovereign Nation?
Well it would seem to be a crime in any rational use of the word. Are these acts war crimes? I would think that if they're not then they should become war crimes or crimes against humanity. What if that was your daughter, mother or wife. The International Community need to get involved in this crap and stop this madness. IMHO

Here is a link to the original.

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